Posted February 08, 2010 by Shakti Sombrero

In case you missed it, last week The Lancet retracted its 1998 paper about a link between vaccines and autism. This story has served as the bedrock for much of the vaccine quack argument for the past decade.
Now that it's been pulled out from under them like a rug, what do they have to say?
Jim Moody, a director of SafeMinds, a parents' group that advances the notion the vaccines cause autism, said the retraction would strengthen Dr. Wakefield's credibility with many parents.
"Attacking scientists and attacking doctors is dangerous," he said. "This is about suppressing research, and it will fuel the controversy by bringing it all up again."
Legitimately evaluating a controversial theory to make sure it stands up to scrutiny is "suppressing research"? Makes no sense to me, but what do I know? I've been brainwashed by the medical establishment.
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