Monday, January 30, 2012

3 Surprising Reasons to Give Up Soda


But the truth is, you don't need me to tell you that soda isn't healthy. We all know that America’s drink of choice contributes to our country's ever-expanding obesity problem. But, as writer Leah Zerbe discovered, love handles are just the beginning. Read on for her report on three shocking soda facts that will have you saying “Just water, please” from now on.
And for more instant secrets that will keep you healthy and fit all year long, follow me right here on Twitter or sign up for our FREE Eat This, Not That! daily newsletter to lose weight without ever dieting again.

Shocking Soda Fact #1: Soda fattens up your organs

A recent Danish study revealed that drinking non-diet soda leads to dramatic increases in dangerous hard-to-detect fats. Researchers asked participants to drink either regular soda, milk containing the same amount of calories as regular soda, diet cola, or water every day for six months. The results? Total fat mass remained the same across all beverage-consuming groups, but regular-soda drinkers experienced dramatic increases in harmful hidden fats, including liver fat and skeletal fat. The regular-soda group also experienced an 11 percent increase in cholesterol compared to the other groups! And don’t think switching to diet varieties will save you from harm: Artificial sweeteners and food dyes have been linked to brain cell damage and hyperactivity, and research has shown that people who drink diet soda have a higher risk of developing diabetes.
FIX IT WITH FOOD: The average American drinks 450 calories a day. By switching to water as your go-to beverage, you'll make room in your diet for these 40 Foods with Superpowers—foods that, even in moderation, can strengthen your heart, fortify your bones, and boost your metabolism so you can lose weight more quickly.

Shocking Soda Fact #2: Soda contains flame retardants

Some popular soda brands, including Mountain Dew, use brominated vegetable oil—a toxic flame retardant—to keep the artificial flavoring from separating from the rest of the liquid. This hazardous ingredient—sometimes listed as BVO on soda and sports drinks—can cause bromide poisoning symptoms like skin lesions and memory loss, as well as nerve disorders. If that’s not a good enough reason not to “Do the Dew,” I don’t know what is. (We reveal more insidious ingredients hiding onsupermarket shelves in the 15 Scariest Food Additives).
DRINK DISASTERS: Soda isn’t the only dubious drink you have to watch out for. Many bottled beverages pack enough sugar and calories to foil your get-fit plans in one fell sip. Protect yourself by avoiding the 11 Worst Beverages in the Supermarket!

Shocking Soda Fact #3: Drinking soda makes you a lab rat

Many American soda brands are sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup, a heart-harming man-made compound derived mainly from genetically engineered corn. The problem? Genetically engineered ingredients have only been in our food chain since the 1990s, and we don't know their long-term health impacts because the corporations that developed the crops never had to test them for long-term safety. Case in point: Some recent findings suggest that genetically engineered crops are linked to digestive tract damage, accelerated aging, and even infertility!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Georgia Health Events

SLITE Kennesaw Jan 14, 2012
Sisters in the L.I.T.E. Mothers & Daughters Challenge begins this Saturday, January 14th at the Ben Robertson Community Center in Kennesaw.

Start the New Year off right with this 12 week fun fitness and nutrition program for moms and their daughters. Participants with be able to experience a variety of fitness options including:
Beginner Hip Hop
Aerobic Dance
& Much More!
Moms & Daughters will have the opportunity to learn together and earn rewards, such as cooking classes and other weekly activities as an incentive to commit to a healthier lifestyle.
(Click "View Activities", then enter activity number 20250.059)
There are limited spaces and scholarships still available. For more information see the flyer above or contact C.H.O.I.C.E.S. at 678-819-3663 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            678-819-3663      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Thursday, January 5, 2012

5 foods you should be eating to jump-start the new year

Sugary cakes. Glazed hams. Egg nog. That’s all behind you now. Wipe the slate clean and start the new year on a healthy note by focusing on vitamin-rich foods that you can incorporate into every meal going forward. “Today” show health expert Joy Bauer came by to talk about the superfoods we should all be eating. Thankfully, her picks are delicious and easy to find. From spicy veggies to protein powerhouses to sweet treats, see which foods make Joy’s top five.

The best way to reset your eating habits after the holidays is to stock your fridge with fresh, nutrient-rich foods that give you energy and improve your mood. Here’s Joy’s list of the top five:
These beans are filled with high-quality vegetarian protein and fiber, which boost energy and mood. They’re inexpensive and they cook up in 30 minutes or less. Joy suggests making large pots of lentil soup or lentil chili so you can freeze the leftovers.   
Toss some Brussels sprouts on a baking sheet, add olive oil and salt, and then bake until they're crispy. We have no doubt they will become your favorite veggie. Added bonus: They're only 55 calories per cup and they help fight cancer and boost memory.
One egg white has only 17 calories and is 100% pure protein, which helps to slightly rev up our metabolism. Make an omelet or a frittata— use two to three egg whites for each whole egg. Hard boil an egg, pop out the yolk and replace it with a scoop of hummus for a power snack.
Keeping bags of frozen raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and strawberries on hand is a perfect way to make sure you still get antioxidants, especially during the winter months when fresh fruit is hard to come by. Eat them right out of the bag, add them to cereal, or make delicious smoothies.
Hot peppers can suppress your appetite and rev up your metabolism. If you like spicy food, add them liberally to your scrambled eggs, stews, ore even tuna or chicken salad.
Do you have any healthy eating suggestions to start the New Year off right? Let us know and post them on our Facebook wall. For more health and beauty advice, check out and follow Joy on Twitter at @joybauer.
And for tips on avoiding the pounds during holiday time and beyond check out what these celebrity trainers had to say.